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29 Jul 24 - 19:00 to 21:00

Full Council

15 Sep 24 - 19:00 to 21:00

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18 Nov 24 - 19:00 to 21:00

Full Council

10 Feb 25 - 19:00 to 21:00

Latest News

Sandown Beach to Proudly Fly Seaside Award This Summer

Sandown Beach to Proudly Fly Seaside Award This Summer

Published: 16 May 24

Environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy has today announced the winners of the prestigious Seaside Awards for summer 2024, and among them are Sandown’s beach near Eastern Gardens, which meets the high standards required. Read More...

Sandown’s Shop Seasonal Success

Sandown’s Shop Seasonal Success

Published: 22 Apr 24

High Street shops in Sandown took part in a seasonal shop front competition highlighting the arrival of spring and a summer of activity in the seaside resort. Town Mayor Alex Lightfoot said ‘Thanks to the volunteers at the Carnival Shop, and all of the shops that have taken part, and for highlighting the range of services available, in the Town, for residents and visitors.’ The competition also recognised the 40th anniversary of the Town Council, with the first Mayor Heather Humby involved, along with former Mayor and Heritage Champion Ian Ward. Read More...

Sandown Supports National Heart Day

Sandown Supports National Heart Day

Published: 19 Feb 24

Line dancers and councillors from Sandown celebrated ‘National Heart Month’, on Valentines Day with the publication of a Map of all defibrillators in Sandown, part of the new Sandown Guide, to be delivered to every household in the town this Spring. Alan Jones, Editor of the guide said, “Thanks to Sandown Town Council, and local businesses, for their support in producing the 4th guide with 48 pages including more information and content than before”. The Map can be updated as new locations are added in the future, and highlight’s locations of publicly available defibrillators, including those at The Broadway Centre, Sandown Library, as well as at other popular locations. Read More...


Fire-Fighter's Forty Years

Published: 8 Feb 24

Sandown Firefighter, and Watch Manager, Keith Cook received a special framed certificate, signed by current Town Mayor Alex Lightfoot and 1984 Mayor Heather Humby, recognising his 41 years of dedicated service to the residents of Sandown and the Isle of Wight, at a special event attended by former Mayors and the Islands High Sheriff, Mrs Dawn Haig-Thomas. Read More...

Charity Celebrates Conservation Centre

Charity Celebrates Conservation Centre

Published: 6 Feb 24

Sandown’s Wildheart Animal Sanctuary welcomed local supporters to the official opening of the Crayfish Conservation Centre, with Sandown Mayor Alex Lightfoot cutting the ceremonial ribbon. The Sanctuary, a registered Charity, aims to make a meaningful impact on the health of the natural world while actively improving the well-being of animals in human care, and the Trust currently provides funding and technical support to in-situ conservation programmes for tigers in India, lemurs in Madagascar and native species here in the UK; it is hoped Britain’s only native crayfish species will thrive at the centre, and will contribute to the Trust’s 'Southern Chalkstreams' project. Read More...

Royals Remembered

Royals Remembered

Published: 6 Feb 24

Sandown & District Historical Association, working with Shanklin VYCC, have launched the first cut of a new Growing Up In The Bay (www.guitb.co.uk) Film, highlighting the link between the Monarchy and the Isle of Wight, focussing on the Bay. Read More...