The Bay Place Plan

The development of the Bay Place Plan began in 2023, with a view to providing a shared vision and action plan that supports our local communities. The partnership project seeks to unite Sandown with Lake and Shanklin, whilst recognising the distinct challenges and opportunities in each location and celebrating the unique characteristics.
The Plan was developed by the tri-consortium of Feria Urbanism, Støriie and the Place Bureau, who together presented an exciting and inspired consultancy application to representatives from the partnership councils. The group undertook local research and horizon scanning to understand the work that that had already been done on local plans and learn about ongoing projects impacting the area.
The town and parish councils of Sandown, Shanklin and Lake, in partnership with the Isle of Wight Council, formally launched the Bay Area Place Plan at a public meeting at the Broadway Centre, Sandown on the 8th January 2024.
The 98-page report comprises three main sections: principles and values, spatial strategy and themes and topics, including highlighting potential investment and civic opportunities for the three Bay area communities.
The place plan sets out its aims and objectives that focus around engagement and empowerment, strategic thinking, economic growth, infrastructure investment, quality of life for residents and visitors, and securing funds.
Annual General Meeting
Monday 11th November 2024, 6.30 (Shanklin Youth Club)
For Immediate Release
Community Invited to Bay Area Place Plan Annual General Meeting
The Bay Area Place Plan is gaining momentum, and it is now time to report back on the progress made this year since its official launch in January. Following extensive research and consultation throughout 2023, the plan incorporates previous strategies, plans, and horizon scanning, along with the community’s priorities.
The Bay Area Place Plan partners and steering group are excited to invite the community to the inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) of this initiative. This event will provide an update on the progress so far, an opportunity to meet the steering group members, and insights into the projects in the pipeline.
Event Details:
- Date: Monday, November 11, 2024
- Time: 6:30 PM
- Location: Shanklin Voluntary Youth and Community Centre
Attendees will have the chance to engage with interest group representatives, share ideas, and learn how to get involved. The group is also seeking community input to identify a name for the delivery mechanism of the strategy.
“We are thrilled to share our progress and future plans with the community,” said Cllr Paddy Lightfoot, Chair of the Bay Area Place Plan Steering Group. “This AGM is a fantastic opportunity for residents to get involved, share their ideas, and help shape the future of the Bay Area.”
All community members are welcome to attend. For more information, please email bayareaplaceplan@iow.gov.uk
We look forward to seeing you there!
About the Bay Area Place Plan: The Bay Area Place Plan is a collaborative initiative aimed at enhancing the quality of life in the Bay Area through strategic planning and community engagement. Launched in January 2024, the plan is the result of extensive research and consultation, incorporating previous strategies and community priorities.
High Street Task Force

The challenges facing highstreets are now widely discussed. Sandown’s high street is no different with footfall dropping, businesses closing and derelict buildings increasing. High Street Task Forces are government initiative which take a people and place-based approach to providing solutions for the regeneration of highstreets.
Sandown’s High Street Task Force Initiative
The Task Force aims to strengthen local leadership in high streets and town centres in England though providing information, advice, training, knowledge and data.
Sandown Area Conservation Management Plan

A new plan to help enhance the architectural and historical features of Sandown, tackle some of the town’s worst derelict sites and improve the public realm, has been published.
The Isle of Wight Council, working with Sandown Town Council, has launched the Sandown Conservation Area Management Plan, following public consultation, community engagement events, and contributions from stakeholder groups.
The plan includes:
- recording the current condition of buildings in the conservation area;
- appointing ‘Historic Environment Champions’ to raise the profile and awareness of conservation issues;
- identifying redundant or harmful signage;
- tackling some of the worst vacant or harmful sites;
- creating public realm improvements, including planters and working with Green Town Volunteers;
- promoting an annual awards scheme for building projects and environmental improvements;
- supporting a maintenance week to improve the appearance of the public realm.
The management plan focuses on the conservation area but, similar to the Bay Place Plan, aims to support the regeneration of the wider Bay area.
Sandown Library will be displaying the plan with a transcribed copy of the plan available from the reception desk. The plan can also be downloaded from the Isle of Wight Council’s website.