Town Council Comments on Planning Application

Sandown Town Council called an extraordinary general meeting of the Town Council, to discuss proposals to provide assisted accommodation, and a roof terrace, in the High Street.

Residents attending the meeting, highlighted that the Isle of Wight Council had previously refused a similar application on the grounds that the development would result in poor living conditions for future occupants.

Town Mayor Alex Lightfoot said ‘It was important to hear the views of residents, especially those affected by the potential development, as well as outline the ways that individuals can express their view; as well as determining the position of the Town Council, as a consultee, on this application.’

The Town Council discussed the previous decision of the IW Council, including if the proposal would comply planning policy in terms of the location; whether it preserve of enhance the character and appearance of the Sandown Conservation Area; effect on retail function; vitality and viability of the Town Centre; use and enjoyment of neighboring properties; and whether the development would provide good living conditions for future occupants.

Cllr Lightfoot added ‘The Town Council understand the need to support vulnerable people, and have funded Warm Spaces and support during Covid; but have consistently asked the IW Council to evenly distribute HMO provision across the Island, and, more importantly, the infrastructure of care and personal support to meet their needs.’

The Town Council, based on the information provided,  reiterated it’s position of supporting the previous refusal of the IW Council, with a request that the local ward councillor calls the proposal into the planning committee if the proposed development proceeds.  The comment of the Town Council can be viewed  under application reference 24/1313/FUL on the Isle of Wight Council’s planning portal.

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