Public Engagement

survey list

Engaging with residents: Surveys

Engaging with the residents of Sandown is important to the town council. Listening and learning from local people can inform the decisions made and the priorities set.

The council conducts surveys from time to time to collect information relating to its activities. Current surveys can be accessed via this page.

Budget Consultation 2025-2026 - Have Your Say!

Title from 2025-2026 Budget Consultation Poster

Each year the Council must set a balanced budget, which sets out its spending and investment plans and how its services will be funded.   The budget must also take account of new cost pressures as well as making sure all its services are as efficient as possible.  

The Council’s budget setting process is happening now, and residents’ views are vital ahead of key decisions being taken. 

Consultation Opens:  Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Consultation Closes: Monday, 8 November 2024.  

The draft budget will be presented to the meeting of the Town Council on Monday, 18 November 2024. The budget will be finalised at the meeting of the Town Council on Monday, 10 February 2025.

The Council serves your community so be sure to have your say.   

Sandown Town Council Budget Survey 2025-2026

Images from 2025-2026 Budget Consultation Poster

Setting the Budget 2024-2025

Hearing from residents and businesses is an important part of setting the Town Council’s budget. You help fund the council, be sure to have your say.

This Consultation closed on 6 November 2023.

Projects delivered in 2023/2024
  • The Bay Place Plan
  • New Toilets at Eastern Gardens opened.
  • Youth Provision with activities delivered.
  • Remembrance Service for over 500 people
  • Community Grants including supporting Christmas Fun Day, Independent Lifeboat, Carnival and Green Towns
  • Beach Wheelchair Service extended to children.
  • Return of Beach Safety Service
  • Blue Flag
  • Repainting of Skate Park Ramps
  • Festive Competitions and Carol Service
  • School Coronation Project
toilet block at yaverland car park

Yaverland Toilet Consultation 2023

Sandown Town Council took over Yaverland toilets in 2017. The condition of the toilets is poor and they are in need of refurbishment. The car park belongs to the Isle of Wight Council as does any income generated from parking charges. Therefore, the refurbishment and running costs must be funded by Sandown Residents. The costs provided are estimated on annual costs for a Band D property. Please let us know your views on the reprovision and what you think would work on the site.

Closed Surveys

Results - 2023/2024 Budget Consultation

The Consultation has now Closed 

The consultation relating to the 2023/2024 budget opened on 26 September 2022. There were different mediums for residents to respond:

Results - Eastern Gardens Toilets Design Options Survey

This consultation closed on Sunday, 16 January 2022 – Results will be available in due course. There are different design options for the new toilets at Eastern Gardens, Sandown. The council sought views on what the look and facilities should be.

Results - Budget Consultation 2022/2023

Sandown Town Council welcomed feedback from the community on funding priorities for 2022 onwards. With limited resources, we recognize the need to secure best value and are consulting on taking forward projects and services identified by residents previous consultations.

We also recognize the cost pressures, such as utility bills, that we are all having to address, and not having not increased the precept for the past two year, recognizing that there is a need to consider an increase in 2022/2023 to continue to deliver the range of amenities currently provided.
This consultation closed on Sunday, 9 January 2022 – Results will be available in due course.

Results - Sandam Gardens Park Options

Sandown residents will appreciate the Steven Jenkins Rainbow Playground and nearby skatepark have been subject to extensive vandalism, damage and graffiti. Sandown Town Council are seeking further views on the equipment.

Results - Budget 2021-2022 Survey

As Sandown residents will appreciate the pandemic has impacted on the planned activities agreed as part of the 2020-2021 budget process. We are continuing to implement activities where possible, and seek residents views on the 2021-2022 budget and forward planning.
(Please note the surveys relating to the parks and Eastern Gardens are separate surveys)

Results - Eastern Gardens Public Convenience Options

Following recent consultation, members agreed the preferred option is to develop new toilet facilities on an adjacent site, with a need to secure permission for development. To help inform the development proposal, residents are asked to respond to the options.

Results - Public Convenience Re-provision Survey - St Johns Road and Eastern Gardens Toilets

Sandown Town Council is conducting a short survey in relation to the priorities and standards required when the new Public Toilets are commissioned in Sandown.

The Town Council have previously consulted and the community have prioritised St Johns Road and Eastern Gardens for replacement or renovation, as well as charging facilities and would welcome further comments from residents to help the commissioning process.

Please take a few minutes to answer these questions and let us know what you think we should do regarding the planned new Toilets.

Results - Sandham Grounds - Playgrounds Survey 2020

The town council is conducting a short survey in relation to the equipment in the Steven Jenkins Rainbow Playground at Sandham Ground, Sandown. Recently there has been damage to some of the equipment in the playground which has led to it being taken out of use. Please take a few minutes to answer these questions and let us know what you think we should do regarding the equipment in the park.

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